Municipal Development Plan
The Town of Blackfalds Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the Town's primary long range planning document. It outlines the goals, objectives and planning philosophy for the community’s future. The current MDP was approved in 2009 and a new one is being worked on.
Intermunicipal Development Plan
The Town of Blackfalds and Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) deals with land located in and around Blackfalds and is a tool for coordinating future land uses and development between the two municipalities. It guides future urban growth and helps ensure that development in either municipality does not have an unacceptable negative impact on the other municipality.
Area Structure Plans
These long range plans outline how growth and development will take place in Town. They typically address areas that are one or more quarter sections in size. The plans identify land uses, roadways, infrastructure, and parks and trail systems for the area. They are prepared by developers or the Town and are approved by Council as a bylaw.
See the Draft Approval Process (in the documents section below) and contact the Planning & Development Dept. with questions or for assistance.
DRAFT Land Use Bylaw
Land Use Bylaw Amendment
To re-designate land use from one district to another, an Application for Land Use Bylaw Amendment is required. Within 60 days of receiving the form and fees, the application goes to Council for 1st reading and a Public Hearing date will be set. The applicant is to be present at the hearing to provide details and answer questions. Following the hearing, Council may approve 2nd and 3rd readings or the application may be refused.
The minimal time frame for Council to consider an application for re-designation of land use is about 8 weeks.
Application for Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Subdivision Application
This is the legal process of dividing parcels of land into smaller lots, which must comply with the Municipal Government Act & related Town of Blackfalds plans & bylaws.
When the application for subdivision & accompanying fee is submitted, the application is circulated to adjacent landowners & relevant agencies agencies for feedback before going to Council for consideration & decision. If the application is approved, the applicant must meet all associated conditions prior in order for the Town to endorse subsequent registration with the Alberta Land Titles Office.