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Environment & Conservation

During the development of the 2016 Municipal Sustainability Plan (MSP), two actions to build environmental performance and awareness were identified; first, to develop and approve an Environmental Stewardship Strategy (ESS) with key focus areas on water, land, energy, buildings & infrastructure, waste, and air; the second action being to develop an environmental program with key elements being awareness through communications and signage for Town infrastructure.

As per the MSP, the ESS highlights policy direction, standards improvement, community programs, and resource needs. This will allow the Town to identify the most important actions to reduce environmental impact and initiate community programs with the objective to advance the goal of a healthy environment regarding water, land, energy, buildings and infrastructure, waste and air.

Composting and Rain Barrels

Did you know the Town sells Composters ($50) & Rain Barrels ($74)? 

Call us at the Town office to purchase yours!  Pick up location is at the Transfer Station during normal operating hours.

What is compost?

Compost is a natural process through which organic material is converted into a soil-like product or humus (pronounced "hue-mous"). The process works with the help of micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi combined with air and moisture. 

Compost is an important way to recycle and can be done at home. It is an easy way to reduce the amount of household garbage by about one-third. As well, it produces a valuable soil amendment for use in gardening and landscaping. 

Drought and Water Conservation

While there’s no need for concern, the Town of Blackfalds, in partnership with the City of Lacombe and local Water Commission, would like to remind you to be mindful of your water usage and do what you can to reduce your usage.

Severe drought conditions in some areas of the Province remind us not to take our drinking water for granted!

The immediate forecast for the Red Deer River Basin (which supplies water for the Town of Blackfalds) doesn’t show any major drought concerns this year. Still, we need enough rain and snow at the right time in the right places to reduce the risk of drought conditions next year.

We are also asking for your help to ensure that we as a community are being water-smart.

Check out our Be Water Smart info sheet for ways you can conserve water this summer!

Resident Resources

Residents may benefit from these resources:

Aquatic Invasive Species 

Bees Matter Learning Centre

Clean, Drain, Dry Your Gear - For people with boats

Compost at a Glance

Composting Video - City of Red Deer

Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Edd Maps

EnergySense House - an interactive tool to help you learn energy saving & safety tips


Green Deal - Powersmart tips

Natural Resources Canada - resources for energy efficient housing

Saving Electricity - Energy Saving Guide

Weed Free Forage 

Wild Bore at Large