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Residents may find this information helpful in managing common plant diseases and pests.

Elm Pruning Ban in effect as of April 1st

Did you know?

Plants such as: Alyssum, Artemisia, Catnip, Rosemary, Oregano, Basil, Lemon grass, Lemon thyme, Lemon or citrosa geraniums, Marigolds, Lavender, and Sage are all plants for decks that help repel mosquitoes and invite other beneficial insects?

If you have specific horticulture related questions, please contact the Landscape Horticulturist at

CBC Article - Beware the emerald ash borer, an invasive species marching across Canada

Conservationists want to keep the invasive pest out of Alberta for as long as possible, said Jon Sweeney, a forest research scientist with Natural Resources Canada.

"Once it gets to a place, about 10 years later, more than 99 per cent of the ash in that area have been killed by it," Sweeney said. 

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